Alhamdulilah, now we are done interview at Tadika Disney and Tadika Sang Kancil.We want to compare both of the teaching methods that the preschool used to the children.
First interviem at Tadika Disney they used story telling, flash cards, book, and singing but second interview at Tadika Sang Kancil they used KSPK Jabatan Pendidikan to teach the children.The first preschool give opinion to improve English at home is they provide the english book for children to do at home but the second preschool give opinion they provide DVD for English subject for parents to buy so that the children can do revision at home and improve their English language.
We thing that the good teaching methods is Tadika Sang Kancil because they used KSPK Jabatan Pendidikan. Besides that,they provide DVD for English subjet so the children can do revision at home and can improve their language not at the class only. That all. Thank You :)
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