To ACComplish tASK gIVen bY Our LEctureR ! oUR gROUPmATE is eLYsa, NeZa, zEMah, AmYra, Wanny!
Friday, 1 March 2013
Thursday, 28 February 2013
second interview at Tadika Sang Kancil
1. What is your name ?
2. For how many years have you been working in preschool setting?
3. Can you tell us something about your experience in working in preschool setting.
4. What are the teaching methods that you used to teach preschool English?
5. So far, how successful the teachings method that you used to teach preschool English ?
6. What is the important of teaching English for preschool?
7. What are the good examples to teach English for children at home?
8. From your opinion, what are the barriers for you when you teach preschool English and how do you undertake the situation ?
9. Do you know about other teaching methods that are available in order to teach preschool English ?
10. What are the specifics commitments for parents and teachers do you think would be the most appropriate to encourage the
child to learn English?
1. Teacher Jaharah Binti Abdul Hamid
2. 32 years
3. She feel happy because she said that the children hyperactive, naughty and slow leaner
4. She using KSPK Jabatan Pendidikan.
5. She feel good after using this method because she feel the student are more understand.
Before the children enter to this Tadika they could’t understand.
6. Before this we learn Bahasa Malaysia,for example we know ‘kucing’ in Malay language, but in Bahasa Inggeris we know ‘kucing ‘ is ’cat’. So, children know two types of language.
7. One of three month parents share problems with teacher, At the same time, teacher provide DVD for English subject for parents to buy so children can do revision at home and improve their English language. Teacher use colouring book, exercise book to a children and the continue exercise at home and practise it.
8. We teach English at school but at home they always speak in Malay language so they cannot catch up English language. We undertake this situation by using flashcard and cd. They learn faster with cd while singing and the children remember the song however they could understand the language.
9. For example, they draw circle they say “Bulat” but now, when they draw they say circle.
10. What they learn at school they must practise it at home. For example we use CD, some parents when they come in morning before start class , teacher open the CD and encourage parents to buy one CD so children can learn more and learn faster.
Alhamdulilah, now we are done interview at Tadika Disney and Tadika Sang Kancil.We want to compare both of the teaching methods that the preschool used to the children.
First interviem at Tadika Disney they used story telling, flash cards, book, and singing but second interview at Tadika Sang Kancil they used KSPK Jabatan Pendidikan to teach the children.The first preschool give opinion to improve English at home is they provide the english book for children to do at home but the second preschool give opinion they provide DVD for English subject for parents to buy so that the children can do revision at home and improve their English language.
We thing that the good teaching methods is Tadika Sang Kancil because they used KSPK Jabatan Pendidikan. Besides that,they provide DVD for English subjet so the children can do revision at home and can improve their language not at the class only. That all. Thank You :)
Both of interview session had been asked by question which are :
2. Years of working experience
3. Experience in working in preschool setting
5. The successful of method
6. Important of English for preschool-
7. Example English learning at home
8. Barrier of teaching English and solution
9. Another method to teach preschool English
10.Appropriate encourage child to learn english
1. Name
-Madam Yep
2. Years of working experience
-30 Years
3. Experience in working in preschool setting
-Happy with children and love the children.
5. The successful of method
-Children able to read, write and understand
6. Important of English for preschool-
comunication with other ,play with children ,can also develop the intelectual ,physical and cognitive.
7. Example English learning at home
give english book for children ,so they can disipline learn.
8. Barrier of teaching English and solution
parents responsibility to guide children at home.
9. Another method to teach preschool English
starting fromsound fonic to teach children.
10.Appropriate encourage child to learn english
Commitment for parents and teachers to encourage children to learn English
give more activities and always play with them..
Both of interview session had been asked by question which are :
1. Name
-Madam Yep
2. Years of working experience
-30 Years
3. Experience in working in preschool setting
-Happy with children and love the children.
4. Teaching method to teach preschool English
-Use story telling, flash cards, book, singing and depend the title
5. The successful of method
-Children able to read, write and understand
6. Important of English for preschool
-The Children can learn to speak English fluently.
7. Example to teach English for children at home
- Give children to watch English video and parents also main a role to speak English at home to their kids.
8. The barriers to teach English pre-school and how you under take the situation
- We use flash card to teach the children , sing English songs to the children and encourages the children
to speak English in the class, so the children can know how to speak to the people in English language.
9. Teaching methods that are available in order to teach pre school English is
-Hurting from phonic sound to teach children
10. The appropriate to encourage child learn english is
-Give more activities to the children, so the children can play with other and they can be cooperation together.